Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Helter-Skelter by pho-Tony
Helter-Skelter, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.

This was taken with a Kodak Brownie 44A, I used one of these back in February, but this one was a recent find at a car boot sale, it had a partly used film in it, and I decided to finish the film off and develop it. At first it seemed completely blank, but when it dried out, I could just make out some very faint images, so I scanned the negatives and did what I could to salvage them in photoshop. Technically the results are abysmal, but this timeless subject has a certain charm.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

photo from 127 camera No. 25 - Falcon Miniature

giant pigeons by pho-Tony
giant pigeons, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.

The quality of the images from this camera proved to be rather poor, this is one of the better photos, using a miniature camera to photograph giant pigeons!