Tuesday, 8 May 2012

127 camera number 19 - Bencini Comet III

Bencini Comet III by pho-Tony
Bencini Comet III, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.

This is one of the less common of the Bencini range, it is styled rather like a cine camera, with a vertical layout. There is a single shutter speed of 1/50th, plus "B", and unusually, a cable release socket.
I loaded it with a roll of Macocolor C41 negative film, and managed to make rather a mess of it, losing the first 3 frames in the process. I'll know what to do next time!


  1. That is an exceptionally cool and unusual looking camera!

  2. I agree, there are plenty of the more conventionally syled Comets around, but you do't see these so often.
